COVID-19 Rising In Half The Country Amid J&J Vaccine Shortage | Covid-19 spreading like wildfire despite increasing vaccination numbers.



COVID-19 Rising In Half The Country Amid J&J Vaccine Shortage



COVID-19 rising in half the country amid j&j vaccine shortage. 

This coming as many states open up vaccine eligibility. This more than, ning, a shortage of johnson & johnson vaccines dropping from over 4 million dris a

Distributed last week.

we are dependent on every vile. 

our pace of vaccination in the next week or two.

>> reporter: 21% of Americans are now fully vaccinated. half the country continues to

see significant increases in cases. colorado entering the fourth wave. Michigan is the new hot spot. the governor asking for more vaccine doses as hospitals get closer to capacity.

>> we should surge vaccines to states experiencing serious outbreaks. Michigan and the midwest today.

>> reporter: Utah removed its mask mandate. in floor Florida, a crowd took streets. the latest numbers in Florida

Showing cases on the rise there, too. Including 3,000 people infected with the UK variant. experts pointing to maskless spring break celebrations. >> we are so close that to not let the covid fatigue that we are all feeling get in the way of true progress. >> reporter: officials said the rise in cases continues to show that even as vaccinations increase, the pandemic is far from over. the biggest group seeing increases in covid across the

board, young people. a little good news. the biggest decline in





Covid-19 spreading like wildfire despite increasing vaccination numbers.


we begin tonight with the increasingly desperate situation in coveting hot spots across the country
and the fears of a fourth wave frontline medical workers in Michigan tell us the virus is spreading like

a wildfire there hospitals filling up some patients facing eight to ten-hour wait times the state's governor begging the federal government again for more vaccines at the same time the u.s has just hit a record number of vaccinations in a single day more than 4.6 million shots reported on Saturday alone.



And by the end of this coming week, 42 states will have opened eligibility to everyone

16 and over but the pace of vaccinations could be slowed with the supply of johnson and johnson doses plummeting and health officials warn about an uptick in cases nationwide ABC's Trevor alt leads us off tonight

from new york tonight health care workers on the front lines in Michigan battling the worst of a new coronavirus surge saying the virus is spreading like wildfire it's breaking our hearts we're exhausted emotionally ICU nurse Kim stasek telling us Monday was the worst shift of her 15-year career.

With hospital admissions in the upper midwest jumping nearly 30 percent over

the past week north of Detroit nurse jeff monoski says patients are facing wait times of 8 to 10 hours how does this

compare to the worst of it last year. I think it's worse we don't have enough you know people to give the care that we

need to nurses are leaving in droves the federal the government now sending Michigan

more personnel to administer vaccines through governor Gretchen Whitmer doubling down that what her state needs

are more shots when there is a surge we think that it's important that we go to we rush in to meet where that need is and tonight the country bracing for an 85 percent drop in the supply of the johnson and johnson vaccine this week

a potential speed bump just as a record 4.6 million shots was reported on Saturday last week we

got around 20 thousand doses this week this next week we're only getting about 2500 doses and health officials say in that wait for the vaccine younger adults are getting infected like new york's alfredo Hercules an

active healthy 39 years old now reunited with his family after 72

days in the hospital this is the second chance and I'm not going to waste it grateful for that second chance Trevor all joins us now from a mass vaccination site here in new york city and Trevor there's a new study that raises concerns about the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against one of the

concerning virus variants....

